This is a very broad category, and it will depend entirely on what you already have and what you personally deem necessary. Vaccinations are usually relatively cheap, but they can save a whole lot of trouble later so go ahead, look up which ones are recommended for the areas you'll be traveling, and add them to your to-do list and budget.

There are plenty of affordable options available. You never know what might happen when you're abroad, and you certainly do not want to come home with thousands of dollars owed to a foreign country, all because you slipped on a rock while hiking or drank some unclean water. If you're traveling for more than a week, I highly recommend at least purchasing health insurance. Especially if you will be traveling long-term, you should at least research your options. While travel insurance is not, strictly speaking, required, it is definitely a good idea. These costs will vary greatly, depending on where you live and where you are traveling, but there's no way around them so be sure to do your research and make room for your passport and necessary visas in your budget. Here are some examples of what will be included in your preparation expenses: Passport and Visa Preparation Expenses include all the money you must spend before you leave for your trip. You might also like: The greatest travel hacking guide you need for a stress-free trip 1. When creating a travel budget, I separate expenses into three categories: No worries, though, because I'm here to help! Today I'm going to share my approach to creating a travel budget. There's so much to consider when planning a trip budget, and it can feel overwhelming at first. Put in a little thought and effort before you leave, and you'll save a whole lot of worry while you're there! You do not want to be in a foreign country and realize that you have no money left for food for the last three days of your trip.

Let's face it: budgets are a boring, yet necessary part of the travel planning process. What's the best way to ruin an amazing vacation? By running out of money before it's over!